cavity preparation,

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العرض في الصفحة


Round diamonds for cavity preparation The opening of the cavity and the initial preparation are noticeably simplified with the help of these structured diamond instruments. The use of S-Diamonds is highly recommended for increased efficiency. Their particular features make structured diamond instruments especially suitable for a gentle treatment.


Round diamonds for cavity preparation


Carbide burs Product description: Conical, long Tapered long Application:cavity preparation

FG 001

Suitable for cavity preparations With FG shank Ø1.6mm, length 19mm Grain: extra coarse, black ring Shape: sphere

FG 010G

Suitable for cavity preparations Head length 1.6mm With FG shank Ø1.6mm, length 19mm Shape: torpedo Grain: Coarse, green ring

FG 225G

Suitable for cavity preparations Head length 4mm With FG shank Ø1.6mm, length 19mm Shape: inverted cone Grain: Coarse, green ring