OMNICHROMA BLOCKER is indicated for: Preventing shade-matching interference in large Class III and Class IV restorations Masking amalgam staining OMNICHROMA BLOCKER is a supplementary material that can be used in conjunction with OMNICHROMA as a lingual layer to prevent shade-matching interference in these cases. OMNICHROMA BLOCKER can also be used to mask staining, or to reconstruct a highly opaque tooth. Masking dark dentition and dentin Reconstructing a highly opaque tooth
الشركة: توكوياما
التوفر: فى المخزن
كود المخزن: 01045481901011911723090010006E00
كود التصنيع: 01045481901011911723090010006E00
الكود التجاري العالمي: 01045481901011911723090010006E00
شحن مجاني
How OMNICHROMA works is by manipulating light, and reflecting the shade the composite has been bonded to, through it’s uniform spherical fillers. In cases where there is a lack of tooth structure to bond to, BLOCKER works as a supplementary product to provide a lingual wall to the restoration, prevent shade-match interference, and mask staining or access holes.
 No Blocker Used
 Blocker Used
Blocker thickness depends on the case. The standard for Class IIIs and Class IVs is 0.5 mm. When the tooth is more opaque, layer Blocker slightly thicker. When the tooth is more translucent, thin the Blocker out.
Once BLOCKER is in place, OMNICHROMA will continue to shade-match as if it was bonded to natural enamel.
علامات المنتج